Lava beads are perfect for aromatherapy use. Volcanic rock works like a natural diffuser, emitting an aroma of whatever this porous material will absorb!
Directions for aromatherapy uses:
Make best use of it by dabbing on your favorite essential oil(s) on these bead(s) with a Q-Tip or cotton ball for best results.
This Aromatherapy bracelet can be used as a natural diffuser for your essential oils, perfume, body spray, or simply just worn for the look for it!
Note: Please do not get your lava beads wet and please use oils and other scents by discretion!
Howlite is used to calm your anxiety and reduce stress, promote restful and deep sleep, inspire and create, and to help purify your emotions. This is one of the many stones that correlates with the root chakra, giving it grounding properties, while also helping your mind tune into higher consciousness. Howlite promotes openness to the wearer, helping those who keep too many emotions bottled up inside. This stone is a good stability stone, also helping calm those who are too angry, and short tempered.
Product Description:
8mm howlite beads
8mm lava beads